PBSS Therapeutic Symposium | Applied StemCell

Meet with Applied StemCell’s (ASC) technical experts at PBSS Therapeutic Symposium to learn about our latest cell line toolkit to advance your antibody discovery and screening. Our complementary CRISPR and TARGATT™ technologies have paved the way for faster and efficient screening for antibody and proteins with our latest TARGATT™ Master Cell Lines.

Ask us for details.

Symposium Promising Therapeutic Approaches and Translational Medicine to Advance Novel Therapeutics (A Joint Symposium by PBSS and Stanford SPARK Program)

Date: 3/7/2019

Venue: Crowne Plaza, Foster City, CA

Conference URL: http://pbss.org/aspx/eventInfo.aspx?eID=610

About the Topic

This joint symposium between PBSS and the Stanford SPARK translational research program will review how industry and academia can work together to successfully translate academic research into commercial opportunities and will present examples of current and past SPARK projects. 

Academics often make promising discoveries that could lead to novel therapeutics, but lack the expertise to advance their science to a stage here commercial partners would be interested. The Stanford SPARK program is a collaboration between academic scientists and individuals from the local biopharmaceutical community who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. SPARK is now in its twelfth year and nearly 50% of projects completing the program have been transferred to commercial partners. An additional 10% have entered investigator-initiated clinical trials. 

